Sunday, September 30, 2018

दुनिया के 5 सबसे अजीबो-गरीब पेड़, जिनके पीछे छुपा है एक रहस्य

यूं तो आपने अलग-अलग खासियत वाले कई पेड़ देखे होंगे, कोई सबसे पुराना है तो कोई अजीबोगरीब आकृति वाला। दुनिया में रहस्य और विचित्र तरह के पेड़ पाए जाते है। जिनके बारे में शायद ही सब लोगो को पता हो। संपूर्ण दुनिया में चमत्कारिक, रहस्यमी और विचित्र तरह के पेड़, पौधे और लताएं हैं। हम आपको बताना चाहेंगे ऐसे वृक्षों के बारे में जिन्हें जानकर आप हैरान रह जाएंगे। इनकी विचित्रता के कारण ही ये विश्व प्रसिद्ध हैं। आज हम आपको दुनिया के सबसे विचित्र पेड़ों के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जिनके बारे में जानकर आप भी आश्चर्यचकित रह जाएंगे।

 5. चमत्कारिक बरगद का पेड़ : यह पेड़ आंध्रप्रदेश के नालगोंडा में स्थित है। इसकी खास बात ये है कि इस पर विभिन्न जानवरों की आकृतियां पायी जाती है। बिच्छू, सांप, अजगर, मगरमच्छ, शेर जैसे पशु और पक्षियों की आकृतियां संपूर्ण वृक्ष पर बनी हुई है। वहां के लोगों का मानना है कि इस पेड़ के तनों पर किसी ने इन कलाकृतियों को गढ़ा है। उनका मानना है कि यह पेड़ कोई से चमत्कार नहीं है। जिस तरह इस पेड़ पर आकृतियां बनी हुई है उस तरह से इसे कोई बना नहीं सकता। इसकी जड़े, लताएं और तना सभी आकृतियों में ढली हुई है।


 4. बोतल पेड़ : यह पेड़ नामीबिया में बना है और यह धरती के सबसे घातक पेड़ों की गिनती में आता है। इस पेड़ से निकलने वाला दूधिया रस बहुत ही जहरीला होता है। पुराने समय में तो इस पेड़ को शिकारी अपना शिकार करने के काम में भी लेते थे। शिकारी इसके जहरीले दूधिया रस को अपने तीर पर लगाकर शिकारी को निशाना बनाते थे


   3. बाओबाब के पेड़ : यह पेड़ मेडागास्कर, अफ्रीका में पाए जाते हैं। इसे हिन्दी में गोरक्षी कहते हैं। बाओबाब वृक्ष की सबसे पहली पहचान है इसका उल्टा दिखना इसका मतलब इसको देखने पर आभास होता है कि मानों पेड़ की जड़े ऊपर और तना नीचे हो। इस पेड़ पर साल के 6 माह पत्ते लगे रहते हैं और बाकी छह माह यह पेड़ एक ठूंठ की भांति दिखाई देता है।


2. ड्रैगन ट्री : ड्रैगन वृक्ष को जीवित जीवाश्म इसीलिए माना जाता है, क्योंकि जब इसे काटा जाता है तो इसमें से खून की तरह लाल रंग का रस निकलता है। इस वृक्ष का आधार चौड़ा, मध्य भाग संकरा और ऊपर का भाग किसी छतरी की तरह तना हुआ है। इसी कारण यह भाग ऐसा लगता है कि सैंकड़ों पेड़ उगकर एकसाथ बंध गए हो। अफ्रीका के उत्तरी पश्चिमी तट पर कैनरी आयलैंड स्थित है, इस वृक्ष को देखने के लिए विश्वभर से लोग आते हैं।

  1. 1.एंजेल ओक : दक्षिण कैरोलिना में एंजेल ओक ट्री चार्ल्सटन के पास जॉन्स द्वीप के एंजेल ओक पार्क के लाइव ओक में स्थित हैं। माना जाता है कि यह वृक्ष 300 से 400 वर्ष पुराना है। इसकी ऊंचाई 66.5 फुट और चौड़ाई 25.5 फुट है। इस वृक्ष को देखना भी बहुत ही अद्भुत है।
उम्मीद करता हूँ आपको ये जानकारी अच्छी लगी होगी

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

AIR Taxi, which can fly at 320 km / hour, created by the company of England, can start services soon

Hello friends my name is amit rai today i am again presents a fact which you won't believe

An English company has made an air taxi. He can start the air taxi service by 2022. The speed of the battery powered by this taxi will be 320 kmph. Seven can travel only four people at a time. According to the company, initially this service will be started for short distances.

For this project, the company has already hired 28 old aerospace in 2016. Additionally, Airbus, Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Martin Jeppack and General Electric have hired technical experts. Project maker Stephen Fitzpatrick said that his new venture would fly soon. The concept of F-One racing car was used to prepare air taxis. Stephen was the owner of a Formula-1 racing team some time ago.

Testing in June 2018: According to Stephen, the initial model of the air taxi can fly between 150 to 320 kmph. He hoped that the project will be able to travel up to 800 km by upgraded model.

This would mean that people would be able to return to Paris from London. Stephen told that the company will now work with the Aviation Authority on the Air Taxi Project, to get the necessary certificates for flight by 2022. The company claims that in June 2018, air taxis were tested in Gloucestershire, for which the UK Civil Aviation Authority was allowed.
It clearly shows how quickly the technology of England is being developed.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

In Saudi Arabia, there is no minimum age for marriage

hello  i am amit today i am talking about strange fact around the world you won't believe.

In 2008, a Saudi Arabia court refused to grant divorce to an 8 year old from her 58 year old husband. Saudi Arabia’s religious leader, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al Asheikh, has said that he does not plan to restrict the minimum age for marriage for women to 15 years, contravening a recent proposal from the country’s Ministry of Justice. 
The issue is a controversial one both inside and outside Saudi Arabia, where the Ministry of Justice two years ago submitted a proposal to limit the marriage age of women to 15 years old. In 2011, the kingdom’s Shoura Council was also reported to recommend the introduction of an age limit, but nothing concrete has been heard since.
The report quoted a source in the Ministry of Justice, which said that its new proposal planned to transfer the power to marry under-age girls from a marriage official to a Sharia court judge, and that marriages could only be approved with the consent of both the girl and the girl’s mother.
In addition, any request to marry a girl below the age of 15 would need to be accompanied by a medical report from a specialist committee, which would include a female gynaecologist and obstetrician, as well as a female psychiatrist and sociologist.

Then again, Saudi Arabia is one of the leaders in the world on women oppression. Courts outlawed “tempting eyes” and sentenced a woman to 50 lashes when she cursed at the religious police. Women are not allowed to attend a doctor appointment without a male guardian. Saudi women protested against the law that forbids them from driving, but Sheikh Saleh Al-Loheidan added more international outrage when he said driving harms a woman’s ovaries.

The Justice Ministry first said they would attempt to stop underage marriages when a court told an eight-year-old girl she must stay married to a man 50 years older than her. But underage marriage grabbed international attention when 12-year-old Fatima escaped from her marriage home and demanded a divorce. Her father sold her to 50-year-old man “who already had a wife and ten children.” 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

BHAKRA NANGAL DAM - tallest dam in india

Hello friends I am amit rai today i am talking about Megastructures like Bhakra dam(PUNJAB)

Bhakra dam is the fourth tallest dam in asia. It is situated bhakra village in the district of Himachal pradesh. Bhakra dam is around 10 km from Nangal city and 115 km from capital city of punjab( CHANDIGARH). Bhakra dam is called the gravity dam because of extraordinary construction. It is made up of  large amount of steel and heavy concrete. Is also a multipurpose dam. The dam is situated across the Satluj River, Bhakra Village (upstream) in Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh. Its reservoir is known as 'Gobind Sagar' which stores up to 9.34 billion cubic meters of water. Jawaharlal Nehru honorably called it as the "New Temple of Resurgent India." It attracts a significant number of tourists from all over the country. Bhakra Dam is 15 km from Nangal city. Nangal Dam is a downstream dam to Bhakra Dam. Together they are called Bhakra Nangal Dam.
The Bhakra Nangal multi-purpose dams are first among the river valley development schemes taken by the government post independence. It is one of the highest gravity dams in the world. The Gobindsagar reservoir created by the dam is the third largest reservoir in India. It holds water in right ways and prevents the fields from being damaged during monsoons. It has ten power generators on either of its sides. Also, it is the fourth largest dam after the Tehri dam.

Facts About Bhakra Dam

Multi-Purpose Project: It aims to prevent floods in Satluj-Beas River and provides water for irrigation to the adjoining states of Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan. It also is a provider of Hydro-Electricity which is generated by the states of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, and Delhi. 
Management: The administration, maintenance, and operation of Bhakra Nangal Project are undertaken by Bhakra Management Board (BMB). Bhakra Management Board was renamed Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) on 15 May 1976 to manage dams on river Beas as well.

bhakra dam

The Nangal Dam has been constructed at Nangal about 13 km downstream of the Bhakra dam. This 29 metre high, 305 metre long and 121 metre wide is an auxiliary dam which serves as a balancing reservoir for taking up daily fluctuations from the Bhakra Dam.
The Nangal Hydel Channel is 64.4 km long, 42.65 m wide and 6.28 m deep canal. It has been cemented throughout its length to avoid seepage. It is one of the longest cemented canals of the world. It takes off from the left bank of the river and flows through pigged topography of steep slope.
There is a fall of 70 metres in elevation within a distance of 64 km. Its main function is to turn the turbines of power houses located below the Nangal Dam but it also supplies water to the Bhakra irrigation canals.
“Bhakra Nangal Project is something tremendous, something stupendous, something which shakes you see it. Bhakra today is the symbol of India’s progress.” -Nehru

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto??

hello i am amit your fact friend today i am again come with a Astonished fact

Even after the dissolution of the Soviet Union into several smaller countries, Russia is still the largest country on earth by far. Almost half of all land on earth is in Russia. It is larger than 3 continents (Europe, Australia and Antarctica) and almost twice as large as the second largest country on earth (Canada). If every single human on earth were to move to Russia, each of us would have around 2.5 square kilometers of land all to ourselves.The largest country by land mass on Earth is Russia. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and was originally classified as the 9th planet in the solar system.
In terms of diameter, Pluto is only about 2400 km across, which would easily fit within Russia’s largest east-to-west width of 10,000 km. It would also fit within the largest north-to-south size of 4000 km.

Russia is the largest country on Earth and actually does have a greater surface area than Pluto, which is a main reason why it was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006. The surface area of Russia is approximately 6.6 million square miles (17 million sq km), while Pluto’s surface area is 6.4 million square miles (16.7 million sq km). The country has a population of approximately 142 million people. Nearly three-quarters of Russians live in cities, leaving the vast amount of the country’s significant surface area hardly populated due to its harsh cold climates and being mostly covered with trees.

Using previous estimates, Russia edged out Pluto, at 17,075,200 square kilometers, while Pluto was thought to be 16,647,940 square kilometers. After the New Horizons mission, Pluto was found to be slightly larger than estimated, making its surface area 17,646,012 square kilometers, which is larger than Russia.Pluto was discovered in 1930 and was originally classified as the 9th planet in the solar system. In 2006 it was re-classified as a dwarf planet, and rumors have swirled since then about the possible reinstatement of planet status.
Pluto was visited by the New Horizons spacecraft in July 2015 and its size was finally clarified by measurements of that mission.

Human Nose can Remember 50000 Different Scents ??

Hello I am amit rai back with a new fact. Can U imagine our nose can remember 50000 differ scent smell its really hard to believe we call its... Extremee...

It is difficult to believe this fact, but it is true that our nose can remember 50000 fragrances. The human body in itself is a miracle of its kind. There are end number of curiosities which come to our mind, and we often search answers for it. We have a different approach towards what we see, what we hear or what we feel. Humans always react to things in one particular manner. They show a preference to sight first, listening second and touch and taste in the third position. 

Odor and taste

Our nose may not be as sensitive as animals, but still, it can memorize around 50000 types of aromas.The number of smells recognized and memorized was doubtful by some of the scientists. The reason being was that the human eye uses three receptors to see so many colors, while our nose uses 400 olfactory receptors to retain the smells. Now, the result is observed by various other factors which help in analyzing these different fragrances.

Our noses have a complex anatomy. The inside of the nose contains olfactory sensory neurons which allow us to sense smells. Molecules of the scent are then transported to these neurons. Our brain can pick our 1 part per million of these scents in the air. Our brain then processes these smells and encode them as memories.
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Friday, August 31, 2018

देश की पहली बुलेट ट्रेन की ये खूबियां जान रह जाएंगे दंग

Hello friends Aaj aapke liye mai lekar aaya hun Amazing Fact

मुंबई-अहमदाबाद के बीच में चलने वाली देश की पहली बुलेट ट्रेन भूकंप, आग और दुर्घटना के खतरों से पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित होगी। बुलेट ट्रेन के सुरक्षित परिचालन का पुख्ता इंतजाम जापान की तकनीक शिनकानसेन की मदद से किया जाएगा। इतना ही नहीं  बुलेट ट्रेन में बारिश, वायु की रफ्तार और भूकंप नापने के यंत्र लगे होंगे। दावा किया जा रहा है कि बुलेट ट्रेन का सफर हवाई जहाज यह सफर से अधिक सुरक्षित होगा।

हाई स्पीड रेल कॉरिडोर परियोजना के प्रवक्ता धनंजय कुमार ने ‘हिन्दुस्तान’ को बताया कि जापान में बुलेट ट्रेन सुरक्षित दौड़ रही है। पिछले 50 साल से आज तक कोई दुर्घटना नहीं हुई है। यह जापान की तकनीक शिनकानसेन की मदद से संभव हुआ है। हाई स्पीड रेल कॉरिडोर में शिनकानसेन कई तकनीकियों  को परियोजना में शामिल किया गया है। हाई स्पीड कॉरिडोर में एडवांस टक्कररोधी मापक यंत्र लगाए जाएंगे। किसी अवरोध आने पर ट्रेन तुरंत रुक जाएगी।

दुनिया के 5 सबसे अजीबो-गरीब पेड़, जिनके पीछे छुपा है एक रहस्य

यूं तो आपने अलग-अलग खासियत वाले कई पेड़ देखे होंगे, कोई सबसे पुराना है तो कोई अजीबोगरीब आकृत...