Thursday, August 30, 2018

Blue lava in Indonesia. Simply beautiful!

Hello i am amit rai once again i bring  amazing fact for you

There are plenty of natural treasures hidden away in the most unsuspecting places on Earth. One of them is an Indonesian sulfur mine, Kawah Ijen, that produces stunning, spectral blue lava. The images of this mine are so breathtaking, I could just stare at them for hours.
Kawah Ijen is a part of the Ijen volcano complex – a group of stratovolcanoes in East Java, Indonesia – with an active crater that’s 200 meters deep. The complex is also home to the world’s largest turquoise-colored acidic lake, full of sulfuric acid. The lake is a sulfur mining site; miners carry sulfur-laden baskets by hand from the crater floor.

The miners work at night to double their meagre income, but they don’t have to worry about the dark. Kawah Ijen, an ordinary rocky crater by day, transforms into a stunning display of electric blue light in night. I think the crater is amazing, but its beauty is a little bit marred by the treacherous working conditions of the miners. Many of them are grossly underpaid. They end up losing their health, and sometimes even their lives in the process of getting out the sulfur from the suffocating mines.

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Photographer Olivier Grunewald tried to capture these otherworldly blue flames in 2008, and lost two lenses and a camera in his quest for the perfect photos. He wore gas masks for the shoot and had to discard his clothing afterward. If you still want to go, make sure you don’t step into the lake – it’s pure acid.As the light of day recedes, an eerie incandescence appears to rise from the depths of the Kawah Ijen crater. The high-temperature liquid sulphur that flows from an active vent at the edge of the world's largest hydrochloric acid lake flares in blue flames that can reach up to 5 metres.

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