Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Are Video games good for our Eyesight ??

Hello I am once again come back with fact for you

GOOD news for gamers : video games can improve your eyesight
  If you’re looking for an excuse to spend even more time in front of the TV screen playing first-person shooters, you’re in luck. According to new research, playing games such as Electronic Arts’ Medal of Honor can actually help to improve your eyesight.
The study, led by Daphne Maurer of McMaster University in Canada, took six patients with lifelong cataract disorders and got them to play Medal of Honor for a total of 40 hours over the course of one month. Games like this require the player to respond quickly to events happening all around the screen, and to track objects moving in different directions.
Researchers found that following the 40 hours of game playing, the vision of five of the six patients showed signs of improvement. They were able to recognize faces more easily, as well as make out small print and judge the direction of moving dots.
Speaking at a science convention in Vancouver about the findings, Maurer said, ”About two-thirds of the things we measured improved simply from playing an action video game.”

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Rare conditions like childhood cataracts cause near blindness in infancy, and even if corrected with surgery patients suffer from impaired sight throughout their adult life.
But playing video games could help improve their sight by teaching the brain to spot small details, follow movements and spot subtle light changes.
Researchers from McMaster University tested six adults aged 19 to 31 who were born with cataracts in both eyes.
Even though they had had the problem fixed through surgery and special contact lenses in early childhood, they still had trouble reading small print, following moving objects and identifying faces.

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